International Grading Terminology

International Grading Terminology


Proof (PRF)

A coin produced for collectors from highly polished dies, at least double-struck


Not double struck and have rounded edges. Finish not as sharp as PRF coins

Uncirculated (UNC)

No visible signs of wear or handling, even under a 30-power microscope

Extremely Fine (EF or XF)

95% of the original coin design is visible; or light wear over the coin

Very Fine (VF)

75% of the original detail visible; or moderate wear over the entire coin

Fine (F)

50% of the original detail visible; or a fairly heavy wear over the entire coin.

Very Good (VG)

Heavy wear on all of the coin

Good (G)

Design will be clearly outlined but with substantial wear. Rim may have weak spots.

Poor (PR)

Heavily worn coin


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