In celebration of the magic and mystery of trees, we are pleased to introduce the third coin, Linden Tree, from our Mythical Forest collection. In Western culture, the linden tree has come to represent femininity, youth, and vigor. Freya, Odin's wife and the goddess of love and fertility, was connected to this location in Germanic mythology. The linden was also placed in the middle of communities since it is a tree of lovers, under which couples would dance and celebrate. Cradles could be made from linden wood, which was considered a symbol of tranquility. They sought refuge under the tree during storms in the mistaken belief that they would be safe from lightning strikes. In contrast, the linden tree's health benefits are well-known and highly regarded even now, and its bark was once thought to suck diseases out of individuals who touched it. The obverse of the silver dollar features a linden leaf with a blossom. The flowers of this evergreen were prized for their medicinal properties. The obverse features a soaring eagle with two heads, representing continuity with the past and hope for the future. Godlike qualities, such as the lightning bolts embedded in its claws, represent both creative and destructive forces. Each 2022 1 oz. proof silver Linden Leaf coin is protected in a lens capsule so that its intricate design may be admired up close. The coin's authenticity is guaranteed by the COA's detailed specifications and security hologram.
Cowboy Hat 1 oz silver coin Cook Islands 2024
Ordered 2 of these coins. Very impressed with mirror like proof finish and luxury packaging.Thank you.