The legacy of the Colt® M1911 Government Model is well known. It was designed by John M. Browning, and was the standard-issue side arm for the United States armed forces from 1911 to 1985, and is still carried by some U.S. forces. It was widely used in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. New Zealand Mint is proud to present a limited edition coin commemorating the service that the M1911 has shown in making our world safer. Features the American eagle with a border of stars surrounding this iconic American bird. Around the edge of this face is engraved the denomination (Two Dollars) and the inscription ‘America 2011 – Mesa Grande’. This features the iconic M1911 firearm along with the Colt brand and the RAMPANT COLT®. Above this is the engraved heading ‘M1911 .45 ACP Caliber’. Engraved across the base of the coin are the stars and stripes of the American flag.
Year of the Snake 1 kilo silver coin Australia 2025